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Google Chrome Could Arrive On Windows Phone

Windows Phone users would not have been too thrilled in recent memory as Google does not seem to want to allocate resources to develop apps for the mobile operating system simply for the fact that the number of users as opposed to Android and iOS platforms are tiny in comparison. Well, a leopard might not be able to change its spots, but a company can change its policy. It seems that Google might introduce Chrome to Windows Phone eventually.

Of course, the first question that one ought to ask would be this - is it possible? Google engineer, Carlos Pizano, has already opened up a ticket in the Chromium open source project so that other developers can take a look at the possibility. This request reads, 'Now that the Chrome team has developed a Chrome Metro/Modern UI version for Windows 8, I'm hoping that large parts of the code can be recycled to build Chrome for WP8.'

So far, this request has been in the Chromium forums for a long, long time (relatively speaking) - since October 2012, and it did not register any kind of activity until a few days back as the developer who had been in charge of delivering Chrome to the now defunct Windows Phone 7 platform had passed on ownership of this particular project to dxie, another developer.

Does this mean that dxie will carry the torch of non-commitment, or will things change for the better? Only time will be able to tell as we keep our fingers crossed.

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