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Full restaurant menus will now show up in Google search...

Looking for a menu before you go out to eat might have just gotten easier: you can now type 'show me the menu for' plus a restaurant name into Google and get the full menu in your search results. The feature was just made official today on Google's blog, and it seems to be another way Google wants to expand its knowledge graph to give users exactly what they want without needing to dig through multiple web pages.

It's not all-inclusive yet - we only received two full menus for the five restaurants we initially searched, and Google says the service is only available in the US right now. You also have to type or speak specifically 'show me the menu for' - you can't search just 'menu' and a restaurant name. Like many Google search features, this will likely become more robust with time as the company gathers more menu data from a wider range of restaurants. While this isn't a groundbreaking new feature, it's about time finding a restaurant menu got a little simpler.

Update: A Google spokesperson let us know that restaurant menu data is coming from an unnamed data partner. It's similar to how Google uses data from The Weather Channel and other partners to pull in data for searches about the weather.

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