American Idol's Top 9 Sings with the Band
Can the band make a difference on American Idol?
This week the Top 9 sang with the band on stage with them (as opposed to just near them?) in hopes that the energy will help their (thus far) tepid performances. Yeah, it sounds like a pretty lame theme to us too. How did they do? Let's take a look:
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AlexSong: 'Don't Speak' by No DoubtThe performance: Alex absolutely puts his own spin on the ska-pop hit by emphasizing reggae-inspired rhythms and phrasing. We're impressed at how well this works. We could kick back and drink a tropical drink to this.The judges say: Keith Urban appreciates Alex's chill vibe, but wants more edge in the vocals and some unpredictability. Jennifer Lopez thinks it's a little too low energy. Harry Connick, Jr. thinks Alex is so good that he should try and stretch himself by moving around the stage more.
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Song: 'Hey There Delilah' by the Plain White T'sThe performance: Sam does his acoustic thing, and although he's not Mr. Energy yet, he does seems a lot more comfortable. Maybe singing with the band works! It's a pleasing performance all around. We want to pat his head. He's grown so much!The judges say: J.Lo thinks the song choice is perfectly suited to his style, but didn't think he connected. Who is your Delilah, Sam? (Apparently, his grandma.) Harry thinks the stripped-down arrangement is smart and then gives a pep talk on being assertive. Keith tells Sam to loosen up his voice.
JessicaSong: 'Rhiannon' by Fleetwood MacThe performance: This is kind of a no-brainer for Jessica who totally has a Stevie Nicks vibe to her voice. She does well, but it's kind of like a really good karaoke performance to us. We would've wanted a little something different.The judges say: This is Harry's favorite performance by Jessica because he felt something slightly different, but doesn't really specify what that is. Keith says that this song doesn't really lend itself to a stage performance. Jen wants the emotion amped up a little.
CJSong: 'If It Hadn't Been for Love' by The Steel DriversThe performance: This sort of upbeat yet soulful side of CJ feels fresh, and we're kind of digging it. Of the 'Bama boys, we'll give it to CJ over Dexter.The judges say: Keith cautions CJ to express emotion by feeling it, not making his voice sound like the emotion. J.Lo can't put her finger on what was off. Harry co-signs on Keith's tip and adds that CJ really needs to focus on pitch. Yikes.
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Who rocked it? Who should go home? Did the band help or hinder the singers?
The American Idol results will air Thursday at 9/8c on Fox.
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