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Homeland's Season 4 Plan Revealed, Dexter Spinoff Details, Nurse Jackie's ...

Didier Baverel/SHOWTIME

The shocking season three finale of Homeland caused many extreme emotions for fans: anger, disbelief, heartbreak... the list goes on and on.

In the wake of the 'big reset' known as Brody's (Damian Lewis) death, Showtime's president David Nevins has revealed the plan for the series' highly anticipated fourth season.

'This is a show that is fundamentally about a field operative and we really haven't seen [Carrie] (Claire Danes)-with the exception of the very beginning of season one-out in the field operating,' the net's boss said Thursday morning to a room full of reporters at the 2014 winter TCA press tour.

He continued, 'So the likely plan for next year is you will see her on the ground in a foreign capital doing her job.' Nevins also disclosed that Mandy Patinkin's Saul will continue to be 'central to the story' and he will be as involved with Homeland in season four as he was in the first three. Phew!

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, who has just been named as the most nominated TV actress in Screen Actor Guild Awards' history, will return as the star of Nurse Jackie when the show returns on April 14 and Nevins reveals that the sixth season will feature Jackie back up to her old, self-destructive ways: 'Using and then lying about it.'

However the Showtime boss promised that this season will not feel like deja vu. 'It's different,' he teased. 'It's got a very different rhythm and this new writing staff has brought a lot of new energy into the show. They're not going over old territory.'

So could this be Jackie's swan season? Not so fast, naysayers! 'I think Nurse Jackie has a lot of life in it,' Nevins told a small group of reporters. 'I know where they're ending this season and I don't expect this to be the last, I'd like it not to be the last so we're working on that now.'

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Randy Tepper/Showtime

Are you already missing America's favorite serial killer? Well then you're in luck, blood lovers, because a Dexter spinoff could be coming to a TV screen near you. But before you start planning your premiere party, be advised that this potential series is still in the 'very early preliminary stages.'

Nevins revealed to a select group of reporters, 'There has been some light, ongoing conversations, but it hasn't really gone anywhere yet. It would have to involve Michael [ C. Hall]. I think if we were to do it I would only do it with Michael.'

Ah-hah! So could that be the reason Dexter was allowed to live at the end of the series finale? 'Honestly, it was never even discussed the idea of killing him,' The Showtime boss explained. 'It remains to be seen whether they're going to want to do [the spinoff], and whether I'm going to want to do it, but they never felt like killing Dexter was the right end.'

Nevins was also quick to stress that the potential spinoff would 'not be a continuation' of Dexter's existing story. 'That show is that character...If I were to do something like that I'd want to do Dexter in a new concept and configuration and I'd want the show to be different.'

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