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iPad Air Vs. Nexus 7: Taste Test

Why I dumped iPad for Android, then changed my mind.

After a 15-month fling using Android tablets, I've gone back to the iPad. I loved my Nexus 7 tablet, but I like the iPad and its integration with the Apple ecosystem even more.

I used an iPad starting when it first shipped in 2010, but I bought a Nexus 7 in 2012. It was only $200 and small enough to hold in the palm of my hand. I was very happy to discover it was a great device for work and play.

My main use for a tablet is staying on top of the news. I read articles and web pages and share them to social media. I also use the tablet to consume and comment on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.

Additionally, I use the tablet as an alternative to a laptop computer when I'm working in the field. When I go to conferences, or out on face-to-face interviews, I use the tablet to take notes and write articles.

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