Is a New Apple Super Bowl Mac Ad Incoming?
If you can count and are familiar with Apple's 1984 Macintosh Super Bowl ad, then you might know that 2014 marks the 30th anniversary of that commercial, which is still one of the most memorable ads yet. It would seem appropriate then that Apple would come back 30 years later with another memorable Super Bowl ad, and a gentleman by the name of Lee Clow is certainly pondering the idea.
Who's Lee Clow? He's the co-creator of Apple's 1984 Super Bowl commercial, and he helped come up with Apple's 'Think Different' slogan, as well as helped work on the iPod silhouettes ad campaign, so we think he has the inside scoop on all things advertising. Clow was one of Steve Jobs's personal friend and he is currently the Chairman, Global Director and former Chief Creative Office of TBWA\Worldwide, which is one of the top advertising agencies in the world.
He's been tweeting out over the last few days, mentioning the 30th anniversary of the commercial, and in one tweet he says, 'Gonna be a good Super Bowl. Mac's gonna be 30 :)'.
Is Clow teasing that there will be a new Apple Macintosh commercial that will air during the Super Bowl this year? Is it possible that Apple will celebrate the Mac's 30th anniversary with another memorable Super Bowl ad? It's always likely, although the company hasn't been big on Super Bowl ads as of late (and it hasn't necessarily needed a Super Bowl ad). Plus, Apple already recently aired a new iPad commercial that's still getting a lot of attention.
Then again, it could be a great time for Apple to release its first ad about the new Mac Pro, putting a new spin on the original 1984 commercial. Apple hasn't yet advertised its Mac Pro in the mainstream market on national TV (although it did air teasers in movie theaters for a short while), so the Super Bowl may be a great time to do that, and while the new machine isn't necessarily aimed at mainstream users, a Mac Pro ad could be used to at least show off the innovation that Apple has been working on.
Based in Indiana, Craig covers a variety of mobile technology topics, but focuses on iOS and the jailbreaking scene. You can follow Craig on Twitter or shoot him an email at [email protected] .
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