Mossberg, Swisher close AllThingsD, start new tech news venture
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Tech news website AllThingsD closed its doors Tuesday night but will spawn a similar venture under a new name
Tech news website AllThingsD closed its doors Tuesday night, according to published media reports, but founders Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg are starting a new tech venture called Re/code.
Re/code launches at midnight on Thursday, according to The Wrap.
A message titled 'HAPPY RE/NEW YEAR!' welcomes visitors to the site for now.
'While we think tech news is important, it's a better day to refresh, reimagine, reinvent and, most of all, rest,' Swisher and Mossberg wrote.
'But get ready: Re/code will launch at midnight ET, January 2.'
Swisher and Mossberg cut ties with the News Corp-owned AllThingsD in September 2013 and did not succeed in negotiations to retain rights to the name. AllThingsD has been subsumed into the new Wall Street Journal tech section, WSJ.D.
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