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Qualcomm Buys Up HP Patents: Palm, iPAQ, and More

Qualcomm picked up more than 2,000 patents from HP today in a deal worth - well, the price was undisclosed, but the fees were very likely in the millions. According to the press release, the patents involved cover 'fundamental mobile operating system techniques.'

While Qualcomm is unlikely to break into the self-branded smartphone space anytime soon, the company has been playing with other mobile devices, such as the recently released Qualcomm Toq, a smartwatch designed to work with Android devices.

The new patents also strengthen Qualcomm's positions in terms of what it can offer customers who license its own designs, chips, and IP intellectual property.

HP's timing of the deal was curious, since the past few days have seen their Android-powered return to the smartphone market begin in India.

Qualcomm currently powers many of the top-selling smartphones on the market with its Snapdragon brand of mobile processors.

via Qualcomm

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