Stage and screen vet Jim Norton joins 'Of Mice and Men'
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Acclaimed Irish character actor Jim Norton to appear on Broadway with James Franco, Chris O'Dowd and Leighton Meester
The starry cast of Broadway's upcoming Of Mice and Men has acquired a distinguished new member: the celebrated Irish character actor Jim Norton.
Norton, who earned a 2008 Tony Award for his performance in The Seafarer and has performed to acclaim in numerous other New York productions, will join the previously announced James Franco, Chris O'Dowd and Leighton Meester - all Broadway newbies - in the new staging of the play, the first on the Main Stem in 40 years.
Norton (not to be confused with the American comedian and actor of the same name) will play Candy, an older handyman - missing one hand - who befriends migrant workers George and Lennie, respectively played by Franco and O'Dowd, when they're employed on the same ranch.
Performances are set to begin March 19 at the Longacre Theatre, where the show will open April 16.
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