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Yandex Deals Bring Facebook Data to Search Results

Yandex has inked a deal with Facebook that gives the Russian search engine access to the social network's 'firehose' of data.

As a result, public content from Facebook users in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, other CIS countries, and Turkey will be indexed and show up in search results on Yandex.

The information will only be pushed to Yandex if the Facebook user has made their settings public. You can control that via the little icon next to the date on Facebook posts; public ones will show up with a small image of a globe.

By searching public posts, however, 'users can find out what those on the social network are saying about the current headline news events, for example, or the latest movies,' Yandex said in a statement. 'In the near future, Yandex's search results will display not only Facebook users' posts but also others' comments on them.'

In a blog post, Yandex said that a search engine can no longer ignore the impact of social networks; ignoring chatter on sites like Facebook means Web searchers are not getting the full picture.

'The intensity of discussion on any subject in social media is proof of the topic's relevance, or 'hotness' if you will. A search engine has to take this into consideration,' the company said.

The move comes about a year after the two companies tangled over a Yandex iOS app that collected friends' activity from Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, and Twitter, and indexed the data for instant accessibility. Facebook, however, blocked all API calls from the app, dubbed Wonder. Ultimately, it prompted Yandex to shut down Wonder because the app was rather lackluster without Facebook data.

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