Google barge to park in Stockton
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SAN FRANCISCO - It's official: Google's mystery barge is on the move - to Stockton.
The barge had been parked at construction site on an island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay for months.
It left San Francisco early Thursday, reports the AP, weeks after a state agency said Google had to move the four-story floating building because its permits were not in order.
Google had a bit of fun in a statement it released on the move: 'It's been a busy six months for our barge and it's grown tired of all the attention, so we are moving it to Stockton where it can have a break, enjoy the city's delicious asparagus and warmer climate, and get a bit of rest before its next chapter.'
Stockton is an inland port about 80 miles east of San Francisco.
The barge will serve as an interactive technology center once it's done. There had been speculation that it might be used as an aquatic store or party boat.
Pictures of the barge's progress have been making the rounds on Twitter.
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