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Give Your iPad The Power Of Sight... For Fun

Reflective Artificial Intelligence uses a mirror to see what you are doing right in front of the screen in real time. If I draw a line on a piece of paper (any kind of paper with any kind of pen), it will draw a line on the screen - immediately. Photo: Osmo

Yes, I know that iPads have cameras but that's not what I mean. Think for a minute, can your iPad understand your commands without you speaking to it or even touching it? My iPad can and soon yours can too.

This year along with other parents and teachers, I received a pre-launch opportunity to be a beta-tester with the Osmo by Tangible Play, a new gaming company whose main contribution to technology is something called reflective artificial intelligence. Osmo is launching their crowdfunding campaign today on Kickstarter.

Picture this: Little balls fall from the top of your screen, you must draw a line to have the balls bounce off and hit a target so you can get points. But what if you wanted a specific curve to be drawn and your wedding ring or Lego piece was the perfect shape? Now, you don't have to trace it, you simply set it down and Osmo will draw it for you.

I had a chance to bring a child psychologist with me to this year's American International Toy Fair in New York City and I made sure he visited Tangible Play's booth. He was blown away and made plans to try out the product too. Before today's launch, I asked him to help me tease out how 'educational' was this 'educational game.' He had good news.

Maximize the Play, Maximize the Learning

'The interactive nature in general is what I like about Tangible Play,' said Dr. John Ferrera, a neuropsychologist whose testing and therapy services help children maximize their learning potential. Dr. Ferrera's favorite of the three Osmo games was Tangrams where children can put tangrams puzzles together on a flat surface, in front of their iPad, and Osmo will tell them if they are on the right track and even give hints if necessary. In a similar method, Osmo can challenge kids (and adults) to guess words and spell them and they can play this either as a cooperative or competitive game.

Tangram and word puzzles are not new to the iPad so I asked Dr. Ferrera why anyone would care to spell words with physical tiles rather than just dragging them on a screen. Or even better, maybe a kid can study spelling words by just studying on his own sans technology? Dr. Ferrera said that all kids learn differently and while some kids may find quiet self-study more efficient, some may not. For those kids, Dr. Ferrera said, 'If they were playing it in a game, then they would be more motivated to play.' He added, 'The important thing about learning is that the learner has to be engaged.'

One of my kid testers has dyslexia and so he's not big on spelling. But his favorite Osmo game is actually the words game because he loves putting his cognitive flexibility skills to work. The Words game is not just about spelling, it's about deciphering images and using logic to figure out the answers. I haven't tried this yet but I'm told that it is possible to create my own word game based on words and themes of my choosing. What an awesome opportunity! A popular question on my blog by readers is how to make homework easier. I think Tangible Play could be quite helpful here.

How Good is the Tech? How Does It Work?

CEO and co-founder, and former Google engineer, Pramod Sharma sat down with me and my 7-year-old son for a playdate/interview. I asked Sharma about the mirror, the tangram pieces, and letter tiles. Was there anything special inside the pieces? Was this just a plain mirror? Tangible Play has a patent on their mirror piece but he said, 'Our real secret sauce is the software.' Sharma then picked up a bunch of letter tiles and dropped them all at once, in front of the iPad. There must have been 7 tiles and Osmo registered most if not all of them immediately while chiming friendly bell sounds. 'The fact that the system can understand in real time how I try to draw is very very powerful,' said Sharma.

'Tis powerful indeed. You can't help but test its limits. My own kids have even tossed tiles in front of the iPad and once in a blue moon, it didn't pick it up or it picked up another letter unintentionally. Still, I will be buying my own brand new set via Kickstarter after this article is published because there is so much to gain with Osmo. How can I not go along for this ride? The Osmo stand, reflective mirror, and game pieces (Words and Tangrams) will retail for $99, but pre-sale backers will get discount pricing starting at $49 (limited availability). Osmo is expected to start shipping its first devices this summer.

Note: Every product has been personally tested by Toys Are Tools' kid testers. Products were submitted to facilitate a review. Reviews are never promised.More best toy tips from Jenn atToys Are Tools.

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