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Google Now Mobile App Update Makes it Like a Personal Assistant

Google Now Mobile App Update Makes it Like a Personal Assistant

By Julie S | May 06, 2014 10:48 AM EDT

has new features that have it acting like a personal assistant. The mobile app is now tricked out with smart actions after the latest Google Search update.

'The right information at the right time' is Google Now's slogan, and a lot of its new updates seem to have been built after that concept. The fresh features will join the service's current roster of personal life assistants, which include flight reminders, activity summaries, and traffic calculations.

Some of the new features are location-based. One helps users keep track of their shopping list automatically, depending on where they are. The app will let users know through a Google Now card pop-up if something that they previously searched for is nearby, working as an instant reminder and search system in one. It has yet to be tested, however, if the cards will still pop up if the user has already purchased the item. The app also can't tell if an item is in stock, as it only takes note of stores known to carry a particular item.

Another new feature is automatic parking detection, which takes note of where users have parked their cars. It will determine through phone sensors if the user has gone out of the vehicle, and will instantly take note of the vehicle's location.

Google has revamped a few other things, as well. The reminder list is now more organized and will show past and future reminders in different blocks. Users can now assign nicknames to contacts, and the app now has a centralized location for viewing the nicknames from the Google Now screen. Voice search has also been tweaked, enabling user's access to phone settings through it. Users can now turn Wi-Fi and Airplane Mode on or off, adjust volume, and detect locations using voice.

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