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In Defense Of The Jill Abramson I Knew

Jill Abramson with Dean Baquet (left) and Bill Keller

Back in 1982, when I was 24 and she was 29, Jill Abramson and I worked together at The American Lawyer magazine. Jill lived in Stuyvesant Town with her smart, friendly husband Henry Griggs and their little daughter Cornelia and I lived in the East Village, so Jill and I would sometimes walk home from work together. I found her to be an immensely likeable, savvy person, who struck me as wise beyond her years. Our abrasive, demanding boss, Steve Brill, adored her and gave a lot of play to her stories. Jill was also incredibly warm toward me and sympathetic about what it was like to work as the personal assistant to Brill, a brilliant, hugely talented journalist who was also legendary for his ill-mannered outbursts.

When Jill was fired as executive editor of The New York Times this week, I felt intense dismay and also a sense of personal irony. She had helped me manage Steve's cursing insults whenever I made a typo (those were the olden days, when I used an IBM Selectric to put Steve's handwritten scribbles onto manuscript paper). Now Jill was being let go because of 'an issue with management in the newsroom,' in the words of Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., the paper's publisher, who addressed stunned Times staffers on Tuesday. The Times put Sulzberger's announcement on the front page of Wednesday's paper and went on to describe 'serious tensions in [Jill's] relationship with Mr. Sulzberger, who was concerned about complaints from employees that she was polarizing and mercurial. She had also had clashes with [managing editor Dean] Baquet.'

The narrative that emerged about Jill was that she was perceived as too 'pushy,' as Ken Auletta had it in his carefully reported New Yorker blog post on Wednesday, a character trait that he notes is 'inescapably gendered.' (Auletta wrote a great profile of Jill in 2011.) The Times also reported that Baquet, who is apparently widely liked and will step up to take the executive editor's job, credited Jill in the newsroom meeting with teaching him 'the value of great ambition.' But he added that his former boss John Carroll at the Los Angeles Times 'told me that great editors can also be humane editors.' That comment sounded to me like a clear message that Baquet and Sulzberger didn't think Jill was humane.

Mostly I'm upset that Jill was fired because I think she's a brilliant journalist with a huge amount of integrity who, to my mind, has courageously maintained the highest quality of reporting and writing at a time when many news outlets have let those things slip. Evidence the paper's eight Pulitzer prizes during her less-than-three-year tenure, and the many vitally important investigative stories she's championed, from great local coverage, like the expose about unconscionable delays in the Bronx criminal courts, to stories about Wal-Mart paying bribes to further its business in Mexico (a Pulitzer winner) to the paper's continuing probes into corruption in China.

I imagine that Jill was always opinionated in news meetings and that she didn't soft pedal it if she thought a writer or editor had done a shoddy job, but isn't that what editors are supposed to do? Maybe because I cut my teeth working for Brill, I have always thought that working as a journalist meant you had to know how to handle criticism, whether it's delivered carefully or rudely. It's the story that matters, not your feelings. That said, I think of Jill as a compassionate person with a big heart. If she was brusque or pushy, I can only think that it was in the name of making copy sharper and more hard-hitting. At least when I knew her, she never engaged in gratuitous personal attacks.

Other women journalists have weighed in on the tightrope Jill had to walk as a female boss. Forbes contributor Ruchika Tulshyan wrote that she suspected Jill was let go because she was perceived as too 'bossy.' Talking Points Memo has a thoughtful essay today by Amanda Marcotte who notes that women are told to 'lean in' to their careers, in the words of billionaire Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, and boldly say what they want. At the same time, we have to know when to back down and appear demure, in order not to rub anyone the wrong way. Though no one likes an obnoxious male boss, and, as Auletta points out, a previous Times executive editor, Howell Raines, was forced to resign in 2003 in part because he was perceived as arrogant, most people's tolerance for pushy and bossy behavior in men is much greater than it is in women.

Then there is the issue of pay disparity. A carefully reported Bloomberg story last year laid out the fact that among the best-paid executives of S&P 500 companies, women made 18% less than men. On the Five Thirty Eight blog, Chadwick Matlin points out that women journalists earn less than men, citing a U.S. Census report of journalism salaries from 2008-2012 that showed women making an average of $51,000 to men's $59,000. Jill obviously made considerably more, but it was reasonable of her to investigate a pay disparity between her and male Times editors. In another excellent post that Auletta published yesterday, he reveals:

As executive editor, Abramson's starting salary in 2011 was $475,000, compared to Keller's salary that year, $559,000. Her salary was raised to $503,000, and-only after she protested-was raised again to $525,000. She learned that her salary as managing editor, $398,000, was less than that of the male managing editor for news operations, John Geddes. She also learned that her salary as Washington bureau chief, from 2000 to 2003, was a hundred thousand dollars less than that of her successor in that position, Phil Taubman.

Sulzberger put out a memo to staff yesterday saying, 'It is simply not true that Jill's compensation was significantly less than her predecessors. . . . In fact in 2013, her last full year in the role, her total compensation package was more than 10% higher than that of her predecessor, Bill Keller, in his last full year as Executive Editor, which was 2010.' It's tough to know how to read this because, as Auletta points out, Jill's compensation included stock grants and the paper's stock had risen during her tenure. Auletta also reports that a few weeks ago, Jill hired a lawyer who was addressing the pay disparity issue. It's possible that move triggered her ouster.

Jill reportedly signed a non-disclosure agreement, so it seems we won't get her side of the story. I checked in with John Wood, a vice chairman at Heidrick & Struggles, a firm that advises companies on corporate boards and executive recruitment and asked what he thought of the way the Times handled Jill's firing. He didn't want to comment on the particulars but he did say that when executives get dismissed, 'usually these announcements are designed to be very balanced. If there's a schism that exists between a leader and the organization, it is in almost no one's best interest to be comprehensive and explain it, but rather to say you've agreed to disagree and move on.' With his newsroom speech, it seems that Sulzberger failed to come off as balanced. I agree with those who believe he should have given more credit to Jill for her huge accomplishments and he should have been more forthright in explaining the reasons for firing her.

It so happens that Wood's daughter is graduating from Wake Forrest University on Monday, where Jill is due to give the commencement speech. 'We're all thinking it's going to be about resilience,' he says. I think it will be too. Wherever Jill winds up next, I'm sure she will do an outstanding job

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