Microsoft Office for iPad bags 27M downloads in short order
Microsoft's Julia White says Office for iPad apps have been downloaded 27 million times to date. That's more than double the number announced last month.
A Microsoft executive revealed Monday that the number of Office for iPad downloads has more than doubled in the last five weeks.
Speaking at the Microsoft's TechEd conference, Julia White, general manager of the Office division, said the number of downloads for the top 10 countries as has reached 27 million ( via from the 12 million figure announced on April 3.
'Here is the latest download information about the apps. It looks like we have about 27 million downloads,' she said. 'Not bad for just the top 10 countries.'
That's an impressive number, considering the apps have been available for about a month and a half(that comes to an average daily download rate of about 587,000).
Microsoft Word is the most popular free Office app on the iPad and is now ahead of Google Docs.
Microsoft uses a 'freemium' model with Office for iPad. That is, Word, Excel and PowerPoint can be downloaded free of charge to view documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
But to get more advanced features -- such as document creation/editing -- users must have a subscription to Office 365.
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