Morrissey: Fake Twitter account 'NOT Morrissey'
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
To his loyal army of fans it was great news.
Morrissey, it was announced this week, had finally joined Twitter.
In just a few days almost 250,000 people had signed up to follow the British singer, despite only posting one tweet on the @itsmorrissey account: 'Hello. Testing, 1, 2, 3. Planet earth, are you there? One can only hope...'
Mike Pont/Getty Images
But fans expecting more have been left disappointed.
The former Smiths frontman has come forward to say the account is not genuine and the tweet was not his.
Hello. Testing, 1, 2, 3. Planet Earth, are you there? One can only hope...
- Morrissey (@itsmorrissey) May 14, 2014
'I would like to stress that I do not have either a Twitter or a Facebook account,' he wrote on his fan club website, True to You.
'I gather that a Twitter account has been opened in my name - as 'It's Morrissey - but it is NOT Morrissey. I do not know who has opened this recent Twitter account, but please be aware that it is bogus. That's, of course, if you remotely care.'
He added, 'untwitterably yours, MORRISSEY, Salt Lake City, 15 May 2014.'
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