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Plan your week in entertainment

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Plan your week in entertainment with these highlights and pop-culture milestones.


Watch: Jack is back! Kiefer Sutherland returns as agent Jack Bauer in 24: Live Another Day, set and shot in London. A special two-hour premiere airs tonight at 8 ET/PT on Fox.


Listen: Latin-rock fusion legend Carlos Santana's new album, Corazón, is out today. The release marks the first Spanish-language album of the musician's iconic career.


Attend: Morrissey embarks on an extensive tour, kicking off today in San Jose. Catch him as he treks across the country through June 21, when the tour ends at Barclays Center Arena in Brooklyn, N.Y.


Watch: Kimberly Williams-Paisley returns as Gretchen, Alan's love interest, and her real-life husband, Brad Paisley, makes a cameo appearance as the 11th season of Two and a Half Men wraps up tonight at 9 ET/PT on CBS.


See: Long week? Head to the theater for some laughs courtesy of Seth Rogen, Zac Efron and Rose Byrne. The trio star in Neighbors, a comedy about a young couple who are forced to live next to a fraternity house after the birth of their baby.

USA NOW Obama, McHale deliver laughs at 'Nerd Prom' | USA NOW

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