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Prince Harry Lookalike Is Mobbed by Crowds in Memphis

05/06/2014 at 05:25 PM EDT

Prince William and Prince Harry weren't the only visitors getting the royal treatment in Memphis this weekend.

A Prince Harry look-alike visited Graceland and other tourist spots, where he was ogled by crowds who thought they were snapping photos with the real prince - all part of a publicity stunt for Fox's upcoming reality dating show I Wanna Marry Harry.

'One girl was near tears and shaking as she took a photo with him,' an onlooker tells PEOPLE of look-alike Matthew Hicks's visit to legendary Sun Studios on Saturday afternoon. 'One woman swerved across traffic to hop out and get a photo.'

Hicks was also mobbed at several restaurants and stores, but the biggest crowd gathered around the imposter on Saturday night as he took a stroll past a strip of nightlife hot spots on Beale Street.

'He was trapped in a mob of hundreds of people,' the onlooker says. 'It got to the point that Memphis police had to provide him an escort into the restaurant he was headed to. Even one of the police officers was convinced Matt was really Prince Harry.'

'It turned into a frenzy! Within seconds, I couldn't move, couldn't walk down the street,' Hicks tells Inside Edition. 'It was quite scary. I'm thankful I'm not the real guy.'

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