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RHOA Star Cynthia Bailey On Porsha Williams' Gay Rant

' Real Housewives of Atlanta' star Porsha Williams' needs to pick one team or the other -- co-star Cynthia Bailey tells us, Porsha's currently playing both sides of the gay community ... condemning them to hell one day, and performing at popular gay clubs the next.Cynthia's responding to video TMZ posted Monday, showing Porsha preaching at a Georgia church in 2010 about how gays are just like hookers, drug dealers, and suicidal people ... they're ALL sinners who need to be saved.Cynthia called Porsha's pulpit rant disappointing -- telling us, 'To put gays and lesbians in the same category as drug dealers, hookers, and people who attempt suicide is ignorant and insensitive. Especially when she just recently profited from performing at a popular gay club in NYC. #flipflop'Porsha performed at El Morocco on May 2nd.The token gay from RHOA agrees -- Miss Lawrence tells us, 'I think some women use the community as a convenience ... i.e. for gay slang, fan base building, and beauty security. But like always, true character always reveals.'

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