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SEE IT: California hotel offers champagne bottle service by drone

Casa Madrona Hotel & Spa via Facebook

A luxury California hotel is taking champagne delivery to a whole new level with bottle service by drone.

The Mansion at Casa Madrona in Sausalito unleashed their new age octo-copter earlier this month specifically for guests staying in their Alexandrite Suite - where nights start at $10,000.

'We were brainstorming fun ways for luxury travelers coming through,' hotel spokeswoman Lindsay Weightman told the Daily News of its creation. 'One thing kind of led to another and the champagne drone drop was born!'

Casa Madrona Hotel & Spa via Facebook

While the drone is included with the price of the room, the cost for the bottles is not.

As for whether or not guests are expected to tip the drone, Weightman declares: 'The drone only accepts stock tips.'

The high flier, which would soar into the pricy suit's two-tiered deck overlooking views of Richardson Bay and the San Francisco skyline, is capable of carrying up to three bottles at a time.

If champagne isn't quite your fancy, the drone can be commissioned for other uses as well, according to the hotel.

'The property is currently working on customizing mini drones to deliver cookies as well as other amenities,' they stated in a release.

casamadrona via Instagram


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