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Skype for Windows Phone offers a free switch to video call

A few weeks ago at the Build conference Microsoft Windows Phone received at lot of exciting new upgrades, and now here is another upgrade of Skype coming exclusively for the Windows Phone. The new Skype app for Windows Phone, which is expected to roll out in coming few weeks, will allow the user to turn a normal call into a video call.

At the time of call a user will be asked whether to turn it into a video call or not, and since it is only for Windows Phone a caller and callee both need to have a Windows Phone running Windows Phone 8.1. The calls can also be made with the Cortana just by saying, 'Put the 'name' on video call', which is very similar to asking Cortana to make a call in the Windows Phone.

Microsoft is also coming with another exciting feature in the Windows Phone. The new upgrade will feature a file explorer program to explore the files residing on the Windows Phone and would possibly be based on the Windows OS explorer.

Joe Belfiore said, 'We are doing a File Manager for WP8.1! I know a LOT of you are looking for this (thanks for the tweets, I've read them all). In fact, I've been running a build of it on two of my phones for the last week or so and it's getting to pretty good shape.We are expecting to get it into the store HOPEFULLY by the end of May.'

Developers around the world have already received the new Windows Phone 8.1 with Cortana, where other people are just waiting for an update to land. There are few bugs and errors which are still required to fixed, and we believe that the Cortana might outperform the Google now and Apple SIRI and not to forget the Microsoft voice assistant is still in development.

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