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TV tonight: '24,' 'Blacklist,' 'Castle'

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This story is part of the series CriticsCorner

USA TODAY's Robert Bianco previews the May 12th's television lineup with '24,' 'The Blacklist' and 'Castle.' VPC

24Fox, 9 ET/PT

There's no way to tell whether the President's speech to Parliament will go well (though it seems doubtful) or if Jack will continue to elude capture (though it seems likely). But we do know we're going to get a closer look at the villain du jour, Margot (Michelle Fairley), a British woman seeking revenge. So yeah, a female British terrorist: If nothing else, that counts as a change of 24's pace.

The BlacklistNBC, 10 ET/PT

The life of a TV law enforcer is never an easy one. No sooner has Red (James Spader) been locked up than Liz (Megan Boone) decides she needs to get him out, the better to help them find all those prisoners who escaped when their transport plane crashed. And they'd better get to it, as apparently some of those prisoners are targeting the members of the Red-centered task force. Usually Liz's judgment is not to be trusted, but she's right on this one: Without Red, and Spader, there is no reason for Blacklist to exist.

CastleABC, 10 ET/PT

The wedding is here, and while it may come off, it won't come off without at least one hitch, and one caused by Warehouse 13's Eddie McClintock. It's hard to believe this show could become even more charming, but McClintock might just be the one who can take it there.

USA NOW 3rd body found in hot air balloon crash | USA NOW

This story is part of the series CriticsCorner

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