Fan trying to trade wedding ring on Craigslist for Chiefs
Seems reasonable.
With the Kansas City Chiefs rolling along at 9-0, tickets for the Denver Broncos' visit to Arrowhead Stadium on December 1st are a hot commodity (the two teams also meet this weekend, in Denver). One woman put up a Craigslist ad looking to trade her wedding ring (appraised at $3,100), for two tickets to the Chiefs' home game, in order to treat her husband as a 40th birthday present, according to the Denver Post. While that may seem extreme, the fan clarified that the ring is from a previous marriage, not her current one.
Via the Denver Post:
[Wedding Ring Lady] wrote in the email that the ring 'holds no value to me and is a lot easier to part with over tickets than handing that much cash over for the tickets.'
WRL said that she has indeed had some offers for her barter, but she's turned them down. She's currently working with someone on an offer that she likes, and she said that she should know if it's all going to work out in the next day or so.
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