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Former JPMorgan 'Whale' supervisor opposes US extradition

Credit: Reuters/Sergio Perez

1 of 4. Ex-JPMorgan employee Javier Martin-Artajo, indicted by a U.S. grand jury in relation to the bank's ''London Whale'' trading scandal, waves as he leaves Spain's High Court in Madrid November 15, 2013.

Spaniard Martin-Artajo, who handed himself in to Madrid police at the end of August after U.S. authorities issued a warrant for his arrest, had to formally declare whether he would agree to be extradited to face charges or not.

Along with another ex-JPMorgan employee, Martin-Artajo has been accused of hiding hundreds of millions of dollars of losses when he worked for the bank in London. These were part of an overall $6.2 billion trading loss suffered by JPMorgan last year.

(Reporting by Sarah White; Editing by Julien Toyer)

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