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Google's next Glass project could be prescription lenses

Summary: Offering a prescription option could make Google Glass much more viable on the consumer tech market.

What could be one of the next waves of Google Glass sounds far more innovative (not to mention useful) than an earbud accessory.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Internet giant is in talks with VSP Global, a network of both vision benefits providers and eyewear makers, to take Glass to the next step -- at least practically speaking.

That would be prescription lenses.

As Glass looks and feels now, it is doable to actually wear Glass and regular prescription glasses together. But it would be far less clunky and much more logical to just have a single pair of specs resting on one's nose.

The simplification would also mark another advantage to wearable technology.

Arguably one of the goals of Glass (and other versions of wearables, like smart watches) is to eventually produce a pair that could stand in place of a smartphone while on-the-go. With prescriptions (for those who need them), Glass could consolidate even more accessories into one someday.

There isn't a timetable available yet, and Google hasn't commented publicly on the discussions either.

This also isn't the first time that an optical lens producer has reportedly been tapped for Glass involvement. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company reportedly reached out to hipster eyewear startup Warby Parker earlier this year for some design tips.

Given that Google is already gearing up to release the next edition of the Internet-connected headset, it is likely that prescription versions won't come around until at least the third installment of the platform -- if even that soon.

Glass is also still far from being a consumer product. The Explorer prototype, which admittedly has more apps and functionality by the month, is still tethered to one's smartphone and cannot replace one in productivity either. Not to mention there was that exorbitant $1,500 price tag too.

Nevertheless, offering a prescription option (in combination with at least a price reduction) would make Glass much more attractive (and feasible) on the consumer tech market.

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