Here's What George Clooney Actually Thinks of Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell ...
Posted by November 11, 2013, 3:30 pm * Gabrielle Chung * 0 comments
If the world suddenly got a little darker for you, that's just from all the shade George Clooney's throwing around in his latest interview with .
In the December issue of the magazine, the two-time Oscar winner candidly talks about his relationships with other A-listers like Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe and Brad Pitt -- and how he's not too impressed with the way some of them have been acting.
According to Clooney, DiCaprio's entourage has been talking up the actor to a point where it may be affecting his bahvaior. He recalls playing basketball with DiCaprio in a friendly 'who's really the better player' competition during a trip to Cabo San Lucas, telling the publication:
You know, I can play. I'm not great, by any means, but I played high school basketball, and I know I can play. I also know that you don't talk sh*t unless you can play. And the thing about playing Leo is you have all these guys talking sh*t ... We're watching them warm up, and they're doing this weave around the court, and one of the guys I play with says, 'You know we're going to kill these guys, right?' Because they can't play at all. We're all like 50 years old, and we beat them three straight: 11-0, 11-0, 11-0. And the discrepancy between their game and how they talked about their game made me think of how important it is to have someone in your life to tell you what's what. I'm not sure if Leo has someone like that.
However, Clooney is far more blunt about his experiences with Crowe, who previously called the star a 'sellout.'
'The truth is that [Crowe] did send me a book of poems to apologize for insulting the sh*t out of me, which he did,' Clooney explains. 'He picked a fight with me. He started it for no reason at all. He put out this thing saying, 'George Clooney, Harrison Ford, and Robert De Niro are sellouts.' And I put out a statement saying, 'He's probably right. And I'm glad he told us, 'cause Bob and Harrison and I were also thinking about starting a band, which would also fall under the heading of bad use of celebrity.' And that's when he really went off on me. 'Who the f**k does this guy think he is? He's a Frank Sinatra wannabe.''
'He really went after me. And so I sent him a note going, 'Dude, the only people who succeed when two famous people are fighting is People magazine. What the f**k is wrong with you?'' Cloney continues, adding that Crowe eventually told him he was 'all misquoted.'
'I was like, 'Yeah, yeah. Whatever,'' he tells Esquire.
So, who is someone Clooney respects? For one, it's his Ocean's Eleven co-star.
'For a long time now, Brad has been the biggest movie star in the world. He's bigger than me, bigger than DiCaprio. And I really admire how he deals with that,' he admits. 'It's not easy for him. But he tries to be the most honest version of Brad Pitt that he can be. And he also remains unavailable. He's still a giant movie star because you can't get to him.'
'That doesn't mean that I don't think of him as incredibly talented and smart and all those things,' Clooney adds. 'But you also can't get to him.'
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