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Hunger Games Theme Park in the Works

Vanity Fair

Forget Disney World. Mom and dad could be taking the kids to the post-apocalyptic universe of Panem in all its bloody glory if Lionsgate gets its way.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, CEO Jon Feltheimer revealed the studio is in talks about the possibility of creating a Hunger Games theme park.

'We have been approached in two different territories about potential theme park opportunities, which gives you a sense of the cultural impact of this franchise,' Feltheimer told analysts in a conference call following the release of Lionsgate's quarterly earnings Friday.

'We are excited about those opportunities and are pursuing them,' he added.

WATCH: Katniss and Gayle talk rebellion in the districts

Murray Close/Lionsgate

He did not divulge any further details.

But a theme park built around the characters, action and dystopian settings of Suzanne Collins' bestselling series of sci-fi books almost certainly aims to replicate the success Universal Studios Orlando has had with The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, a park based entirely on J.K. Rowling's mega-popular fantasy franchise.

Though instead of magic, those attending The Hunger Games theme park will likely find attractions centering around teenage gladiators forced to fight to the death in a televised competition. And perhaps visit Panem's twelve districts, meet actors dressed as some of their favorite colorful characters (Effie Trinket comes to mind), try out Katniss' bow and arrow and maybe help lead a rebellion against the tyrannical President Snow.

WATCH: The latest Catching Fire sneak peek!

It may not be the happiest place on earth, but it'll certainly be amusing!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, the sequel to 2012's The Hunger Games, hits theaters on Nov. 22 while the third and fourth installments, Mockingjay Part 1 and Part 2 are due out in November 2014 and 2015 respectively.

PHOTOS: Hunger Games: Catching Fire movie pics

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