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Miley Cyrus Performs With A Singing Cat, The World And Cats React (PHOTOS)

This somehow just got better.

Ummm, can we talk about Miley Cyrus' FLAWLESSLY feline 'Wrecking Ball' performance at the 2013 American Music Awards? You know, where she belted it out in front of a giant singing space cat?? Actually, can we NOT talk about it? Because there are no words. Except one: 'Purr-fect.' END OF DISCUSSION.

Now, like most people WITH HEARTS, we thought that nothing could possibly improve upon the ' We Can't Stop' singer's set. (Like, it out-Internet-ed the Internet. Really.) But, we were wrong! Apparently, we humans weren't the only ones enjoying the stellar performance, as Twitter user @8plus9 paraphrased Jay Z to tweet a photo of his two Siamese cats getting down to Miley.

And somewhere in America cats are still twerking

- NC-17 (@8plus9) November 25, 2013

Literally, this may just be the cutest cat-related thing we've ever seen. Grumpy Cat? Go home. Lil Bub? GTFO. Maru? Trust us when we say that this hurts us more than it hurts you. #DontCryOutLoud

Check out more photos of cats watching Miley Cyrus' AMA performance after the jump.

My cat is performing with Miley tonight. #AMAS #WreckingBall #Cat MileyCyrus #WTF

- Dillen George (@DillenGeorge) November 25, 2013

And, they weren't the only ones! (THANK THE FLUFFY CAT GODS MADE OF CLOUDS AND MEOW MIX.) Twitter user @DillenGeorge's kitty also got in on the action! Ugh, cats doing cute, pop-culturally relevant things on the Internet. You wre-eh-eck me. Yeah, you. You wre-eh-eck me... ow.

Check out the complete list of AMA winners, the 12 most AMA-zing moments, performance highlights, fashion recaps, and more OMG moments from the 2013 American Music Awards. Photo credit: Getty Images

Tags 2013 American Music Awards, photo, Miley Cyrus

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