OMG TV Moments: Sons of Anarchy's Tara Cliffhanger, SHIELD's Big Reveal ...
Prashant Gupta/FX
Sons of Anarchy: Jax (Charlie Hunnam) promised to deliver the IRA to the DA so they can pin the school shooting on someone, all in exchange for the club and Tara's charges to be dropped, but then Gemma ( Katy Sagel) tells him about about Tara's ( Maggie Siff) faked miscarriage, her plans to leave him and that she's taking the kids. That does not sit well with Jax at all. The episode ended with Tara rocking Tommy with a gun in her lap, waiting for Jax to come home and confront her. We are already tingling with anticipation for next week's episode.
And in gross news, Clay ( Ron Perlman) bit the nose off of a guard. How he's going to smell now, Clay? Cruel move on your part.
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It's war! Marcel () left town after she hooked up with Marcel. So what's next for the CW series? We have all the answers The Originals: Charles Michael Davis) finally caught on to all of Klaus' ( Joseph Morgan) shenanigans and retaliated in a 'holy crap' kind of way: he kidnapped Klaus' baby mama Hayley ( Phoebe Tonkin)! Meanwhile, the bond between Elijah ( Daniel Gillies) and Hayley grew even stronger (ruh-roh), and Rebekah ( Claire Holtright over here.
ABC/Justin Lubin
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Creator Joss Whedon tweeted right before the show started that tonight's episode 'really swings', which of course led us to believe that there would be some sort of Spiderman mention, cameo or crossover.
But alas, no Andrew Garfield swung in to help the S.H.I.E.L.D. team in 'F.Z.Z.T.' However, we did get closer to figuring out what the hell happened with Coulson ( Clark Gregg) after he died in Avengers. But the big reveal was that Melinda May ( Ming-Na) also died and was brought back to life, just like Coulson. We didn't get much more info beyond that (like when it happened and how she was brought back), but after Coulson's blood work came back normal except for elevated levels of iron, she tells him he needs to move forward and that he feels different because he is different. His scar is also still there from Loki (Tom Hiddleston), so that might dismiss the robot theory.
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Coach (Damon Wayans Jr.) is back! After breaking up with his current girlfriend, Coach returns to the loft to party with the guys. Nick ( Jake Johnson) wanting to go to a strip club with Coach on a Tuesday night led to a big fight with Jess (Zooey Deschanel), and we face-palmed hard when Nick said they 'hadn't had the boyfriend-girlfriend' conversation. Sigh.
Jess used that fight as an excuse to get drunk with Cece ( Hannah Simone) and pick up Artie (). Even though she says she has a boyfriend, Artie somehow ends up naked in her bed later that night! Don't you hate when that happens? Nick walks in on the very suspicious scene about instead of freaking out, Jess explains what happens and he believes her...and calls her his girlfriend when he tells Artie to get out of the bed. Oh, and Nick totally punches him in the face when Artie doesn't leave right away. Yay love!
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Supernatural: The CW series gave us another funny episode to break up the scary, dramatic ones with 'Dog Dean Afternoon', in which the only witness to a crime was a German Shepard. So Dean (Jensen Ackles) drank a potion in order to give him the power to communicate with animals. The result was nothing short of hilarious.
But it wasn't all fun and games in the episode, as Sam (Jared Padalecki) got one very big step closer to finding out the truth about Zeke after the Chef sliced his neck and the wound magically repaired itself. Dean is having trouble covering his tracks, and we have to wonder how much longer until this whole situation goes nuclear.
Line of the Night: 'I once found a note he wrote to himself that said 'put on pants' followed by a question mark!'-Jess, describing Nick's life (and ours, if we are being honest).
PHOTOS: Unbelievable TV Moments!
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