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PlayStation 4 Video Streaming Apps Officially Announced

Throughout the past eight years, the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii consoles have slowly become more than video game machines. Each console now has access to a number of streaming video and other apps that expand their functionality beyond household gamers. The PlayStation 3 even managed to become the most-used Netflix streaming device last year.

With the next console generation only weeks away, consumers are now expecting the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to have streaming video apps from day one. Though Microsoft has certainly let it be known that TV is a focus for the Xbox One, Sony has been focusing on gamer nostalgia for its PlayStation 4 marketing campaign.

Today, with the launch of the PlayStation 4 only eight days away, Sony has finally revealed what streaming video apps its new console will have available at launch.

Unsurprisingly, the most popular streaming video apps will all be on the PS4 day-one. Netflix and Hulu Plus will be available, as will Amazon Instant Video and even Redbox Instant. Streaming sports will also make an appearance with the NBA Game Time and NHL GameCenter Live apps, which also require subscriptions to use. Those with access to the EPIX channel can also enjoy that channel's programming on a PS4 and the VUDU streaming video store will also be available.

Beyond the obvious apps, the PS4 will also have several niche video streaming apps. Sony's Crackle is a given, but the Crunchyroll app will come as a nice surprise for fans of Anime programming. Also, the YuppTV app will be available, providing access to over 150 Indian TV channels and hundreds of Indian movies.

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