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Tom Cruise files papers in $50 million lawsuit

Tom Cruise has filed papers in his $50 million (GBP33 million) lawsuit against the publishers of U.S. tabloids In Touch and Life & Style over the magazines' 2012 suggestions he's a bad dad.Opening up about his divorce from Katie Holmes for the first time, the movie star has defended himself against cover stories that led readers to believe he had abandoned his daughter Suri following the couple's split last summer (12). In the documents obtained by, he states, 'I have in no way cut Suri out of my life - whether physically, emotionally, financially or otherwise... Even during the times when I was working overseas and was not able to see Suri in person, we were (and continue to be) extremely close.' And firing back at an In Touch headline, which read 'Abandoned by Daddy', he adds, 'As my numerous emails with Suri's mother during this time period demonstrate, I was a constant presence in Suri's life.' He concludes, 'While I'm sure my daughter misses me when I am not with her (as I miss her), she is a very happy child, and we have a wonderful relationship and cheerful phone calls.'

This news article provided by World Entertainment News Network

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