Mario Kart 8 review
The most significant new item is the Super Horn, which sends out a shockwave and, crucially, can counter those pesky blue shells
Countless games have attempted to ape Mario Kart's blend of fizzy racing and disruptive vehicular combat. A few have come close, but none have succeeded. Mario Kart 8 is the series at its very best; an exciting, hilarious and satisfying to-and-fro. Move on from the training wheels of the deliberately ponderous 50cc and there's a delicious sense of speed, whizzing along at 60fps under cerulean skies. The devil, much like that battenburg starting line, is in the detail. It's the subtle shifts in weight depending on character and vehicle choice; it's the satisfying hop that sends your kart into a drift, sparks flying as you charge a boost round a sweeping apex; it's the flick off a ramp, opening your glider and either lifting high above the track or dive-bombing into increased acceleration; it's the evil glee of a perfectly thrown green shell; the infuriating explosion of that blue one that zeroes in on the leader.
This is a formula that has been close to perfect for a long time. Mario Kart's trick has always been to highlight some marquee addition that enhances rather than rocks its foundations. For Mario Kart 7 it was the (brilliant) gliders and (rubbish) underwater sections, for Mario Kart 8 it's toying with gravity, creating tracks that sweep skywards and loop-de-loop in impossible sweeps. In many ways, it's a cheap thrill; visually exciting and easy to eulogise about. But Nintendo have been extremely careful that the additions don't disrupt Mario Kart's core racing. The first time your wheels fold in and engage anti-gravity, you'll keep your racing line without a slip, perhaps made giddy by the sight of your trailing opponents whizzing below you at a right angle, but nary taking you off your stride.
The practical applications are rather more subtle, allowing the track designers to have some fun. As has become tradition, you get 16 brand new tracks and 16 remixed tracks from the series heritage. Unlike Mario Kart 7, which had a few duffers, 8's new tracks are consistently brilliant, the anti-gravity and gliders allowing a wonderful sense of verticality. These aren't ground based circuits, but undulating, sprawling raceways. Sections break away to anti-gravity, with the right speed and angle ramps can lead to suspended sections of track above the throng of the pack. There are alternative routes aplenty; not shortcuts, per se, but diversions that may lead to an extra item box or ramps to boost from.
The downside to this is that the racers can sometimes be separated over the different routes, which can mean a lack of consistent multiple-kart hustle-and-bustle. Instead the tracks siphon into bottlenecks of often tricky roads -the unstable metalwork of Bowser Castle where a statue of King Koopa thumps a concrete fist into your path, or the wobbly carpets of Boo's Twisted Mansion. This leads to an ebb and flow between wheel-to-wheel jostling and more open racing and path finding. Very clever, if occasionally a little lonesome.
The legacy tracks aren't as furiously lively as the new ones, but all have had structural tweaking to take advantage of Mario Kart 8's newer features. A chunk of track has been carved out of the GBA game's Mario Circuit, suspended as a vertical apex, while you can now sweep around the traffic on N64's Toad's Highway by mounting the walls. They all look fabulous aswell, with fantastic texture and light making for thoroughly modern tracks that retain their original sharp design. Personally I would have liked to have seen more than one SNES track, but for the first time I can recall, I am struggling to name a bum track among the 32.
Special mention must go to the game's brilliant soundtrack, which has infectious tunes for each course, giving the racing even more pep.
You'd be hard pressed to argue against the potency and sheer joy of Mario Kart 8's racing and track design. Likely to be more contentious is its resolutely, almost stubbornly, simple structure in both single and multiplayer. The customisation options from Mario Kart 7 return with a few additions, you can select your chassis (kart and bike variants, largely), wheel-type and parafoil, each affecting the stats of your vehicle in addition to your character type. These vehicle options are unlocked in a set-order once you have vacuumed up enough of the coins scattered around the tracks. This is about as complex as Mario Kart 8's progression system gets. Otherwise, in single player it's all about striving for gold in each cup, with little else to distract.
Online multiplayer is even leaner. In pre-release conditions, at least, network play is technically robust and very slick. Providing it stays this way under more strenuous traffic, this will be welcome news to anyone that struggled through Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7's juddery online component. Sign in to Nintendo Network and you get to choose your character and vehicle setup before being whisked into a lobby, you vote for a track and away you go. There's no progression other than a counter that starts at 1000 and ticks up or down depending on your performance; a simple indicator of your skill. You can enter 'tournaments', which are more arranged gatherings with customisable rules.
There's something rather pure about it. And it is undoubtedly a conscientious decision by Nintendo to keep Mario Kart lean, quick and easy to pick up. Modern racers are often jam-packed with unlocks, different events and a pervasive online presence. That Mario Kart seems emaciated in comparison or is a welcome antidote to the bloat of today's games will be entirely down to your taste.
Me? I love a feature-packed multiplayer, but Mario Kart simply doesn't need it. I definitely would have liked to see online grand prixs, but it's a true pick up and play online game, with you able to dip in and out for a few races without having to hang around in lobbies or worry about upgrading your character every half an hour. It may seem a rather Luddite philosophy to suggest an already decades old series should rein itself in from modern tendencies, but adding complexity to Mario Kart would only subtract from its appeal and accessibility.
That's not to say Mario Kart 8 doesn't have an eye on the present or, indeed, Nintendo's future. Both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have made a big deal out of sharing gameplay videos and Mario Kart 8 is Nintendo's first proper nod towards a similar goal. Mario Kart TV will record your race, with you then able to upload a clip to Nintendo's own Miiverse and/or directly to YouTube. You are given simple editing tools, such as asking the camera to focus on certain racers or weapon hits, and can upload a short, fizzy clip or a whole race.
It's really good fun and incredibly simple to use. Mario Kart suits the idea of sharing too. For example: throwing a green shell from second place, hitting the leader as they approach the line, seeing them flip up into the air, before whizzing underneath them to take the win.
Mario Kart 8 is full of moments like these. And while local multiplayer is still the best way to play, that you can share them in this more connected world is a smart evolution of one of the finest party games there is. It's a small step for Nintendo where its competitors have made deliberate and purposeful strides, but a step forward nonetheless. It might be too late to completely turn around the Wii U's fortunes, but when Nintendo are releasing games as good as this, it may just have a chance.
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