California Threatens To Shut Down Uber's New Carpooling Service
California's regulatory monster seems to have an insatiable appetite when it comes to taxi-alternative services Uber and Lyft. Fresh off a win that requires the companies to ensure its drivers are appropriately insured from the moment they turn on the app, the state's Public Utilities Commission has informed Uber that it's new carpooling service UberPool is illegal under California law. It has let Uber know that it can seek to change the law, but absent that it can't continue offering a service where two distinct riders pay separate fares to share one car. In other words, one passenger: legal. Two passengers trying to reduce traffic and emissions while saving money: illegal. Only in California, arguably the greenest state in the U.S.
(Lyft's comparable offering, LyftLine, operates almost identically to UberPool. Presumably, Lyft has also been threatened with 'enforcement' of existing law and I've reached out to the company to confirm. If I hear back, I'll update accordingly).
The issue goes to the arcana of transportation law in the Golden State, specifically the distinction between the various types of vehicles for hire. Get ready, you're about to be caught in the crossfire of the battle of the acronyms. If a company operates as a 'passenger stage corporation' or PSC, it can charge people individually for a shared vehicle. This is how SuperShuttle can drive around to multiple neighborhoods, pick people up and drop them all at the airport without running afoul of the law. A 'charter-party carrier' or TCP as California calls it, can't do that. It can only rent out a vehicle by time or distance. Limos and charter buses fall into this category.
Where it gets odd is that Uber and Lyft actually fall into neither category. They are regulated as Transportation Network Companies, TNCs. The law for TNCs is unique in some critical ways - only TNCs are required to run criminal background checks on drivers, TCPs aren't - but it hews closely to the way those vehicles have been regulated. And amid the legalese of Section 5401 of the state's public utilities code, which concerns those TCPs, are these key words: '[N]o charter-party carrier of passengers shall ... demand or receive compensation, for the transportation offered ... on an individual-fare basis.'
In deft bureaucrat-ese, the PUC told Uber: 'The Commission lacks the flexibility to allow a transportation service that is contrary to the statute... If Uber believes that § 5401 is outdated, it may petition the Legislature for a modification. Unless and until the Legislature modifies §5401, the Commission must enforce state law.' What it doesn't say, though, is because Uber and Lyft are not actually TCPs under state law, they are in effect incorporating old law by reference.
Criticisms of Uber and Lyft aside, these new carpooling services seem to be an unqualified good. They offer discounts to riders of up to 60% off the companies' fares, which are often lower than taxis charge. In return for the 'inconvenience' of picking up a second rider and perhaps also being the last dropped off, both passengers can know they are helping to keep a car off the road, reducing traffic and pollution. Many users of the services aren't car owners and the idea of being environmentally conscious adds to the appeal.
What's unclear is why the state's utilities commission didn't go out on a limb here and say that absent a specific prohibition that applies to TNCs, it would grant a temporary green light to both services (as well as others that get developed) while challenging both the companies and lawmakers to clarify ambiguities in the existing statute. And it's not like it lacks the power to do such a thing. It was just last year when the very same PUC created the rules for the TNCs in the first place.
One clue for the crackdown might come from the fact that UberPool and LyftLine appear to represent a significant threat to SuperShuttle and similar services. Consider these tweets from a few weeks ago:
But now with Lyft Line & UberPool, they're just as cheap or cheaper than SuperShuttle city <-> SFO. Win for consumer, win for their market
- Ben Piersall (@BenPiersall) August 22, 2014
There isn't any specific evidence that the Public Utilities Commission received complaints from airport-shuttle companies, but it doesn't strain the imagination to think they might have. Either way, the idea that Uber and Lyft - which are both legal in California - would have to shut down this particular aspect of their services just as they're getting going confounds common sense.
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