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Californian unemployment rate remains unchanged at 7.4%

California's unemployment rate has remained unchanged for a third successive month at 7.4 percent in August.

According to the the California Employment Development Department, the state generated 44,200 nonfarm jobs in August, increasing it to a total of 15.5 million.

The new jobs means that since February 2010 California has managed to add more than 1.4 million jobs.

In 2010 the state's unemployment reached a high of 12.4 percent. Since then the national unemployment rate has declined to 6.1 percent.

This means that California's unemployment rate is 1.3% higher than the national average. The number of Californians without employment increased by 1,000 in August to a total of around 1.4 million (287,000 less than the same time last year).

Sectors that experienced the largest increase in jobs in August include the construction sector (adding 13,600 jobs), manufacturing, education, health, government, business services, and financial services.

However, a total of 8,300 jobs were lost in the trade, transportation and utilities sectors.

The number of people receiving unemployment checks in the state declined, with 411,005 people claiming unemployment checks In August, versus 426,224 the month before.

Unemployment rates in the state also vary according to region, with Marin County reporting a jobless rate of only 4.2 percent, compared to a very high jobless rate of 25.1 percent in Imperial County (the highest rate in the state).

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