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Chris Brown offers advice on anger management for Ray Rice

Chris Brown has offered some advice for Ray Rice.

The 25-year-old singer spoke to MTV News in the wake of Rice's suspension from the NFL. The 27-year-old football player was cut from the Baltimore Ravens after a video leaked of his assault on then-fiancee Janay Rice. Brown himself was convicted of assaulting then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009, and said moving forward is 'all about the choices you make.'

'For me, dealing with my anger issues and understanding myself and the life I've been through, where I'm headed and where I want to be, has helped me focus on what's really important,' the singer shared. 'For anybody who's going through that situation or anybody who's dealing with it -- it's all about the choices. Every situation is different but it's all about the choices you make and how you control your anger.'

'To Ray, or anybody else -- because I'm not better than the next man -- I can just say I've been down that road,' he continued. 'I deal with situations and I've made my mistakes, too, but it's all about how you push forward and how you control yourself.'

Brown said he thinks seeking help 'is great,' and revealed he still speaks to his therapist twice a week. The sessions give the singer a constructive space to vent his frustration, and keep him from bottling up his anger inside.

Brown will release his sixth studio album, X, on September 16.

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