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Get 24 Valve Games for $25 Right Now On Steam

Valve has launched the Valve Complete Pack, a comprehensive PC bundle that includes various entries in the developer's biggest franchises, including Counter-Strike, Half-Life, and Left 4 Dead.

Now through October 1, you can pick up the bundle for $25, which represents a 75 percent savings over collection's normal $100 asking price. If you bought all 24 games individually, you'd pay $146.30.

This great deal arrives as Steam continues to grow in popularity. The service now has some 100 million users, and more than 1,300 games have been added to the platform so far this year, compared to only around 300 launching on Steam in the first nine months of 2013. In response to the rapid influx of games, Steam this week rolled out the major Steam Discovery Update, which promises to help users find great games more easily.

In addition, Valve has just recently introduced Steam Music, and is giving away soundtracks to celebrate.

The Valve Complete Pack includes: Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch For all of GameSpot's news coverage, check out our hub. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email Filed under: Counter-Strike

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