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In Quest For More Capital, RadioShack Warns Of Bankruptcy

So much for 'out with the old, in with the new' at RadioShack: in a second quarter earnings report that might as well have been titled, 'Desperately Seeking Cash,' RadioShack reported Thursday morning that it saw yet another quarter of profit losses and fallen revenue. And, in a separate document filed with the SEC Thursday - two days after one Wall Street analyst cut RadioShack's price target to zero and warned of an impending bankruptcy - the struggling electronics retailer confirmed that if it does not find a buyer or restructure its debt, a Chapter 11 or even Chapter 7 filing would have to occur.

RadioShack reported $673.8 million in second quarter sales, down from $861.4 million this time last year. Comparable store sales plummeted 20%, while net earnings were, once again, a net loss: $119.4 million, more than double the $51.1 million loss reported in the second quarter of 2013. This figure works out to a per-share loss of $1.35.

'For the past 18 months we have been working hard on our turnaround plan. While we are advancing on many fronts, we may need additional capital in order to complete our work,' RadioShack CEO Joseph Magnacca said in a statement Thursday morning. 'As a result, we are actively exploring options for overhauling our balance sheet and are in advanced discussions with a number of parties.'

The 10-Q that RadioShack filed with the SEC Thursday put the company's future in even plainer language: 'If acceptable terms of a sale or partnershi p or out-of court restructuring cannot be accomplished, we may not have enough cash and working capital to fund our operations beyond the very near term, which raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern . As a result, we may be required to seek to implement an in-court proceeding under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.'

The filing went on to say, 'There can be no assurance that any of these efforts will be successful . Each of the foregoing alternatives may have materially adverse effects on our business and on the market price of our securities. In the event the restructuring alternatives described above are not achievable, we would likely be required to liquidate under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code.'

A Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing would allow RadioShack to restructure its debt with its creditors; a Chapter 7 filing would be the equivalent of a death knell for the company and require it to sell off its assets.

These are not the first rublings of bankruptcy for RadioSHack: on Tuesday, Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter slapped the struggling retailer with a $0 price target, saying that he expects RadioShack's creditors to force a reorganization and wipe out the company's equity.

'RadioShack's operational decisions are now being vetted by creditors and equity investors are no longer relevant to management decisions - the creditors clearly are in control of the ship and, in our view, the ship is sinking,' Pachter wrote. 'We believe a bankruptcy reorganization is imminent.'

RadioShack stock, which is down 23% since the beginning of the week, was in the red in pre-market action following the release of the earnings report and 10-Q but has rebounded and is currently trading with a 7-cent (10%) gain.

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