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Long lines greet sale of Apple's new iPhones

Thousands of fans lined up at Apple stores worldwide as the tech giant kicked off sales of its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus smartphones.

Stores in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and Europe opened early Friday, as consumers in the United States eagerly awaited the arrival of Apple's latest iPhones.

Countless customers braved lined for hours -- and days -- in hopes of securing the new iPhones, which feature a significant boost in screen size. Some customers at Apple's New York store began waiting in line for the next iPhone before Apple's announcement last week.

Apple's iPhone 6 includes a 4.5-inch touchscreen, while the iPhone 6 Plus boasts a 5.5-inch screen, both much larger than the 4-inch display on its predecessor, the iPhone 5s.

People crowd in front of the Apple Store in Munich, Germany to purchase the new iPhone.(Photo: Peter Kneffel, AFP/Getty Images)

Apple opened up pre-orders for the new iPhones last Friday, notching a record 4 million in the first 24 hours. Some online orders for the iPhones through Apple's website and wireless carriers could take several weeks before they're fulfilled. According to the AT&T website, consumers who ordered an iPhone 6 Plus were forced to wait as long as November.

Follow Brett Molina on Twitter: @brettmolina23.

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