Nude photos leak: how safe are you in the cloud?
An apparent bug in Find My iPhone could have allowed a brute force attack against celebrities' iCloud accounts.
Security experts have cast doubt on the safety of the cloud as a place to store digital files in the wake of hundreds of nude and semi-nude female celebrity photographs being leaked online.
Private images of about 100 celebrities, including Hunger Games and Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence and fellow actor Kirsten Dunst, were released onto the web by an unknown individual or group.
Analysts believe the culprit hacked into the victims' personal iCloud accounts used to connect to Apple's online services. iPhone and iPad users who enable their iCloud account have their photos automatically saved to Apple's servers for back-up.
PRIVACY INVASION: A trove of personal photos from female celebrities including Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence begun circulating online. Photo: Reuters
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed on Monday it was on the hunt for the people responsible. Apple is also looking into the matter.
While Dunst was quick to point the finger at Apple for the security breach, CQR security consultancy co-founder Phil Kernick said users must take some responsibility for their own online security.
'I'm not into blaming victims ... but we need to make sure we protect our information a little stronger - especially if we're going to be putting sensitive information on the cloud,' Mr Kernick said.
People who used the same username and password for different personal accounts, and who used weak passwords, were leaving themselves vulnerable to security breaches, as well as to identity theft, he warned.
The founder of security firm Threat Intelligence, Ty Miller, said large online services such as Facebook, Twitter and iCloud suffered 'hundreds of security breaches every day on their accounts' despite having good security measures in place.
One theory behind this breach is that it was a 'brute force' attack, where the attacker uses a software tool to generate multiple passwords to log into an account until they hit on the right one.
Platforms such as iCloud usually have security measures in place to identify and protect against multiple login attempts. However, in this case hackers may have been able to circumvent such measures via a potential bug in Apple's 'Find My iPhone' feature, which Apple has now reportedly fixed.
Alternatively, because the attacks were targeted at specific individuals, it is possible the attackers already had access to the victims' correct login details.
Earlier this month, Russian hackers claimed to have amassed billions of users' online account details. Anyone with access to such data could identify a specific target's name and then check to see if their login worked on iCloud. From there, they could access files stored on a user's account, including photos, documents and emails.
A hacker with one set of credentials can potentially access many more sites and services - or bank details - belonging to the same victim.
Whether this particular incident will lead to more people being targeted is unclear.
So far the attack does not appear to be related to the gold-digging ransomware attacks that have surfaced in recent months.
Mr Miller said the attacker could be anyone whose motives are not known..
While many have responded with outrage to a tweet from comedian Ricky Gervais suggesting victims should not have put naked pictures of themselves online in the first place, the fact is the only foolproof way to keep private files safe is not to upload them, experts say.
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