Alien: Isolation (Video Game Review)
Sega, Twentieth Century Fox and Creative Assembly have released their latest first-person survival horror title with Alien: Isolation for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC. The game takes players into a terrifying world that was first explored in Ridley Scott's 1979 film Aliens. Are you ready to jump into frightening adventure with one of the deadliest creatures in the universe? Read on!
When players start up Alien: Isolation they will notice that they have two modes in which to play which includes the main campaign and Survivor mode. It is definitely recommended that players try out the campaign for a bit to get used to the controls and basics of the game before jumping head on into the one-on-one mode with the Alien. An exciting new feature in Alien: Isolation is the head tracking feature that enables the Kinect sensor to track your head movements during gameplay and then apply them to your character when it is in peek mode. Head tracking is an immersive new gameplay mechanic that allows the player to take more control when peaking around dark corners and objects. Alongside head tracking, players will also get the choice to activate noise detection, which yet again utilizes the Kinect sensor to track the noise level in the room you are playing in and if you scream too loud then it will attract nearby enemies! Alien: Isolation takes every opportunity to be a terrify the player with its realistic visuals and intricate gameplay mechanics.
The game takes place in 2137 with our protagonist Amanda who is investigating the disappearance of her mother Ellen Ripley. When she gets the news that the flight recorder had been found from her mother's ship, Amanda heads to the Alien infested space station of Sevastopol to retrieve the recorder from Nostromo. Players will awake from cyber sleep and login to the closet computer terminal to receive their first objective. The first thing players will notice about Alien: Isolation is the beautiful visuals and the detailed game environments. Creative Assembly has managed to put a lot of effort in creating an experience which is realistic and feels like something straight out of the original movie. Alien: Isolation promotes exploration and players will find that they can search everything in their environments to collect items like sensors and scraps. Your progress can be saved throughout the game via registration points and it is very helpful to save regularly especially if you are prone to dying a lot. Alien: Isolation features one very scary and unstoppable Alien that manages to hunt you based on sight, sound and smell. Players will find that they need to utilize stealth mechanics in some situations to survive since the Alien learns to adapt its killing mechanics with each new encounter. The large game environments will become somewhat hard to navigate and you will feel like you are walking in circles until you get the hang of everything. If you find yourself lost, then use the map within the game to explore your current objectives and location. There are several LM-Link terminals around the game as well which players will find helpful in learning more about the storyline and the incidents that led up to the current situation.
While Alien: Isolation can be scary at times, but there are also some fun interactive elements to lighten the mood, such as turning on the radio to listen to tunes or even taking a shower. No one wants to be in a constant state of fear the entire time they play, but Alien: Isolation manages to produce the perfect combination of psychological scare tactics with that of fun gameplay elements for an overall enjoyable experience.
The objectives in Alien: Isolation start out simple with tasks that include getting dressed or talking to other members aboard the space station in order to get use to the basics of the game. However, as the game progresses, everything becomes more difficult and terrifying as you battle for your life against one of the scariest creatures to ever appear in a video game! The Alien not only looks and sounds creepy but has a high degree of intelligence that makes it a nightmare to deal with. Not only can the creature adjust its hunting skills based on new information it collects but can investigate open doors and panels looking for the reasons to why they are open!
The environmental conditions in Alien: Isolation really add to the overall scary effect of the game with its eerie sounds alongside the flickering lights, shaking ground and blinding steam that fills the dark corridors. If things weren't bad enough, they get even worse when you have to enter the tight, confined spaces of the station's duct systems and crawl your way to sweet salvation. Is there help at the end of the tunnel with the beckoning light or does something sinister lay around that next corner? In Alien: Isolation you never know what will happen next so be prepared to jump out of your seat at any given moment! The game features responsive controls and easy to master mechanics with intense combat sequences being far and in between. Alien: Isolation doesn't focus on the action but rather on the overall story and making sure the player is fully immersed in the environments around them. In order to defend yourself, you will find items that you can use to craft weapons and other objects throughout your journey. The character will also be equipped with a motion tracker that will help them find the Alien and try to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes players will need to hide behind objects or even hold their breath in order to avoid detection. Alien: Isolation can be a lengthy game, because it does play like a typical RPG that involves solving puzzles in order to proceed, but that is the best part about the game!
Once you have made your way through the entire campaign, which has a rather satisfying ending, then you can try out Survivor Mode. Survivor Mode starts out in the dark basement of the Sevastopol Station with your trusty flamethrower in hand. Players are tasked with escaping the area in one piece with a limited number of resources at hand. A terrifying Xenomorph is on the loose and you must complete a set number of objectives in order to escape. The Survivor Mode in Alien: Isolation is literally the scariest thing gamers could play this year and you can expect to scream, jump and pee your pants all in one playthrough!
In the end, Alien: Isolation has managed to combine all the elements of classic and modern horror to develop one of the scariest games released so far this year. If you are looking for something to play in the dark this Halloween and truly be scared then look no further then Alien: Isolation!
Alien: Isolation is now available from all major retailers and can be purchased for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC. Alien: Isolation is rated M for Mature by the ESRB. For more information on the game, check out the official Alien: Isolation website.
Game Features:
Single Player Overcome a Deadly Threat Explore a World of Mystery and Betrayal Improvise to Survive Achievement/Trophy Support Game Information: Publisher:SEGA Developer:Creative Assembly Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One (reviewed), Xbox 360, and PC Release Date: October 7, 2014
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