Apple's new iMac with 5K Retina display is so fantastic, it's basically daring you ...
Yesterday's big Apple Event introduced so much coolness at once that I think the needle on my GIMME THAT RIGHT NOW meter broke clean off. What, you don't have one of those on your desk too? Frankly, we're all still getting our heart rates back to normal after the major iPhone 6 and 6 Plus announcement barely a month ago. Then along with the awesome new iPads announced, comes news of the new iMac with Retina 5K display for us to add to the top of our desktop tech wish lists.
The biggest and baddest part of the all-in-one desktop's update is the stellar screen. It borrows the (literally) brilliant tech from the popular Retina iPad, giving this 27-inch iMac 4 times more pixels than its predecessor. That tallies up to 14.7 million pixels if you're counting. That makes it the world's highest resolution display.
And with 7 times more pixels than even ultra HD televisions, the level of detail, sharpness and vibrancy you'll experience on this display will be absolutely incredible. Like the high-def of high def.
What's especially amazing is that all of this excellence is packed into a display that's just 5 mm thin. That means if it's taking up space in a home office or your living room, at least it's not that much space, plus it's gorgeous and not so intrusive. (Remember the original iMac? Aw, blueberry...)
And lest you're worried about the kids getting ahold of that super slim design, the designers used a special kind of welding that's generally reserved for airplane wings and rocket booster tanks. So we'll go ahead and say yeah, this thing is pretty sturdy.
Dazzling design aside (that is, if you can ever peel your eyes away), the machine itself remains a powerhouse. Without going into techy specs, the super speedy processor makes it 45% faster than the last iMac release. And the graphics are simply spectacular, with really true color and reduced glare. For an example, click over to the iMac with Retina page and scroll down. Fun little trick there, huh?
Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd rather watch a movie on here than your HD TV.
But of course one of the best things about any Apple computer is how great it works right out of the box. The new iMac comes with the main apps you need already installed, including the apps families rely on most like iPhoto and iMovie, both now optimized to work with iCloud and Yosemite OS X; and iTunes which has the new Family Sharing functionality which will save parents whole lot of money and time. Messages makes it so handy to get your texts without checking your phone, and you have the ability to use FaceTime audio or video so you can make actual calls from your iMac, no charge.
And while of course you can use any browser at all, we learned yesterday that Apple's Safari is 6 times faster than Chrome or Firefox. We might just have to do a browser comparison test drive to see just what's what.
So all this is to say, this is one amazing computer. Forgive me if I continue to mutter need it now...need it now... on various social media channels.
The new iMac with 5K Retina display is available now at Apple stores and online. Prices start at $2,499.
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