Kylie Jenner Flaunts Cleavage, Lip Injections on Instagram
By her own admission, Kylie Jenner is obsessed with Instagram, and she knows what she's doing when it comes to photo-sharing.
Kylie's got such a firm grasp on how to keep her millions of followers entertained that her selfie skills earned her a spot on Time magazine's list of the most influential teens of 2014.
With all the benefits she's reaped thus far, it's unlikely that Kylie will cool it with the selfies any time soon, and we can't blame her. Even so, pics like the one below definitely make us wonder where this girl's parents are:
That's Kylie and her lip injections rocking a typically age inappropriate outfit, and this shot gives us the feeling that even Kylie realizes she's growing up too fast.
Something about that look on her face says, 'Wow, I'm 17 and this is gonna be on the Internet forever.'
Of course, KJ is running with a much older crowd these days, so maybe she doesn't realize what a bad idea it is for her to rush right into adulthood like this.
Kylie is dating Tyga, a 24-year-old rapper with a child of his own who was - until recently - engaged to one of Kim Kardashian's best friends.
Hopefully Kylie will pull a Kim (ditch the douche and not settle down until her 30s) and not a Kourtney (settle down with the douche and pop out a million kids).
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