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OnePlus One gets new CyanogenMod update

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The OnePlus One is a rare device in a number of ways. It is highly spec'd, has a hugely affordable price tag, is not made by a major company, and runs CyanogenMod. Those are all good things, but the OnePlus smartphone is also just rare, which is not so good. It has been hard to get since its launch earlier in the year, but the company will soon open its pre-order window again.

For those who managed to get the OnePlus One (by invite), there is now a new software update for your stand out from the crowd device. Cyanogen's CM 11S 38R software is now making itself to the OnePlus One and is available OTA (over the air), bringing with it a bunch of changes and enhancements.

An updated lock screen is included in the patch, while better touchscreen responsiveness, the ability to grab photos in RAW format and high bitrate (24 bit, 96/192 kHz-flac/alac/wav) sound support are also a part of the package. The new CyanogenMod software also does its fair share of bug squashing, so OnePlus says overall performance will also be improved.

You can check out all the changes below:

Added method for users to report bugs directly to Cyanogen.

Added pause button during video recording.

Improved battery life.

Fixed issues with camera exposure compensation stuck in 'auto'.

Fixed issues with '4G Preferred' option not connecting to 3G data.

Fixed issues with delay in torch activation.

Fixed issues with unresponsive screen requiring reboot.

Fixed issues with static in speaker when changing volume while headset plugged in.

Fixed issues with rotation not triggering when rotated slowly.

Fixed issues with Quiet Hours / system UI causing battery drain on last day of month.

Fixed issues with camera not starting when LED torch is already on.

Fixed issues with Bluetooth volume low on connection. source: OnePlus

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