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Play PC Games in the Browser With Humble Mozilla Bundle

Attention, gamers! Humble Bundle has teamed up with Mozilla to offer a new package of browser games for the very fair price of whatever you think it's worth.

The new Humble Mozilla Bundle packs eight indie games, playable right in your browser - no plug-ins or installers necessary. That includes: Super Hexagon, Aaaaa! for the Awesome, Osmos, Zen Bound 2, and Dustforce DX.

Plus, if you pay more than the average purchase price you'll also get Voxatron and FTL: Faster Than Light Advanced Edition. If you pay $8 or more you'll receive all of the aforementioned titles, plus Democracy 3.

Bought separately, all the games and their soundtracks would cost you $104, but as with other Humble Bundles, you can name your own price. All the games are available DRM-free for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and work best on the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome. Other browsers capable of executing JavaScript and mobile browsers may also work but are not guaranteed.

If you want this bundle you better act fast - it's only available for another 13 days. As of Tuesday afternoon, the bundle had already accumulated more than $14,000 from more than 3,500 bundles sold.

So how much is it worth to people, exactly? The average purchase price is currently $4.07 with Mac users paying the most at $8.04, on average. The highest contributor to date paid $200 for the bundle.

You can choose where your money goes, allocating portions to the developers, and three organizations: the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation, which promotes Internet openness; the Maker Education Initiative, which aims to spark children's interest in learning through making; and CodeNow, which provides coding resources to high schoolers.

For more on this bundle, check out the video below.

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