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Scientists develop 'breathing' solar cell

Scientists at the Ohio State University have developed a hybrid device that blends a solar cell with a rechargeable battery, which they call 'breathing' solar cell.

The first-of-its-kind device generates as well as stores solar power. In a typical solar power generation system photovoltaic panels convert light from the Sun into electricity, but do not store any excess electricity. But, the new device stores excess electricity as well.

It is the device's mesh solar panel that lets air to enter the battery, while a particular process transfers electrons between the solar panel and the battery electrode.

Lead inventor Yiying Wu, a professor of biochemistry & chemistry at Ohio State University, explained that the battery consumes oxygen from the air to re-form the lithium peroxide when it is discharging.

Speaking about the new device, Wu said, 'Basically, it's a breathing battery. It breathes in air when it discharges, and breathes out when it charges.'

As light converts to electrons inside the battery, rather than electrons having to travel from a solar cell to an external battery, the new device achieves 100 per cent efficiency rather than the 80 per cent as in the existing devices.

The development of the new device and its detailed functioning published in the journal Nature Communications.

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