'About a Boy' will grow on you
It's about time.
For a network that once built its ratings fortunes on blockbuster family comedies like The Cosby Show and Family Ties, NBC has had an awfully hard time getting back in the life-with-kids game. Even its stronger efforts, like The New Normal, have failed, and strong efforts have been few and far between.
Determined to stretch its sitcom brand beyond the narrow Parks and Recreation niche, NBC is trying again this weekend, using the Olympics to launch two shows with kids as main characters: Growing up Fisher and About a Boy. While Fisher sinks under the weight of its premise, Boy is worth whatever boost the Olympics can provide â?? and worth staying up late Saturday to see the special preview.
Adapted by Friday Night Lights' Jason Katims from the Nick Hornby book that was already made into a 2002 movie for Hugh Grant, About a Boy is really about two boys. One is a child: Marcus, an endearingly odd new-age spirit wonderfully played by Benjamin Stockham. The other is a man who hasn't grown up: Will, a perpetual Peter Pan played by David Walton, who repeats a similarly charming performance he gave last season in NBC's short-lived Bent.
The two meet when Marcus moves in next door with his vegan mother, Fiona (Minnie Driver), who takes an immediate dislike to the rib-eating Will. That should be the end of any relationship â?? until Will uses Marcus as date-bait, and Marcus in turn blackmails Will into spending time with him.
What happens next is predictable: Will grows fond of Marcus, feels bad for using him, and steps up to help him. But the story is well-constructed and very well played every step of the way, and the final tug at your heartstrings, while obvious, is earned.
As always with new series, the question is where Boy goes from here. And the answer (aside from 'Tuesday at 9 ET/PT') you'll get from the next two episodes is 'not far enough.' Too many emotional beats just repeat, though the third outing, which focuses on Will's conflicts with his married best friend (Al Madrigal), at least shows a different side of Will's man-boy conflict and allows for some broader humor.
Boy is by far the most promising sitcom NBC has debuted this season, but it has to work harder to avoid a too-common sitcom rut: The characters all behave badly, and then meet in some mutually apologetic center. Still, there's so much here to build on, from the strong performances to the chemistry between the stars to the sweet central story of two people helping each other mature.
Let's hope their show gets a chance to mature as well.
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