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Apple buys Burstly, owner of TestFlight beta

Re/code is confirming the news first reported by TUAW sister site TechCrunch that Apple has purchased Burstly. The company is best known for mobile analytics tool FlightPath, and acquired TestFlight in 2012. Burstly also provides the SkyRocket ad monetization service.

iOS beta testers and developers alike are quite familiar with TestFlight, which is used to distribute pre-release versions of apps to limited audiences for beta testing purposes. TechCrunch reported that on Wednesday, TestFlight announced that it would be dropping Android support as of March 21 as well as discontinuing its TestFlight SDK.

TechCrunch also noted that FlightPath, which never made it past beta, has also been shut down. Links to FlightPath began being redirected to the TestFlight home page on about February 11. At this point, nobody is quite sure what plans Apple has for Burstly and TestFlight, but we're sure to hear more details as time passes ... perhaps not until the 2014 WorldWide Developer Conference.

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