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GAME not offering Titanfall beta keys for pre

Update: Speaking to MCV, EA has said GAME will not be offering Titanfall beta codes pre-order customers. The website reports a spokesperson has told them the beta is 'entirely closed, and there are no beta codes tied to pre-ordering the game going forward'.

UK games retailer GAME is offering users a Titanfall beta key in exchange for pre-ordering the highly anticipated shooter.

The codes will only be available to those who registered for the beta through the official website.

Original story: A spokesperson for the company told OXM that those who have already pre-ordered stand to receive a beta code. The representative urged that the allocation of beta codes from EA was limited

Developer Respawn Entertainment is overseeing the Titanfall beta, which commences on Friday February 14.

'If you are selected to participate you will be contacted by EA via email with instructions on how to access the Beta on either Xbox One or PC. Access to the closed Beta is limited and is not guaranteed,' publisher Electronic Arts said in a general notice.

Registration will end on Friday, February 14 at 4pm Pacific Time (Midnight UK time) when the beta will commence.

'If you have been selected you will be emailed directly by EA with instructions on how to access the game no later than 11:59 PM PST on Feb 17th,' reads the website.

New Titanfall gameplay videos emerged on Wednesday; CVG's videos are posted below.

The beta will include access to three game modes; Attrition, Hardpoint Domination and Last Titan Standing.

Attrition is a basic kill-everything deathmatch. Hardpoint Domination is a Battlefield-style base-capture mode in which teams fight to capture and protect three bases on the map for points. Last Titan Standing is similar to Counter Strike - a round-based mode in which everyone has a single life and only one Titan with no respawning, and rounds end when a team is completely eliminated.

There has been no mention of a beta for the Xbox 360 version.

The Xbox 360 edition, handled by Bluepoint, was delayed until March 25 earlier this month.

Titanfall is the first title from Respawn Entertainment, a new studio comprised of a number of former Call of Duty developers.

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