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Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer Gives "Hooked On a Feeling" 700% Boost

With the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, not only did James Gunn give Marvel Studios' newest movie a victory over Superman and Man of Steel, but it also gave 'Hooked On A Feeling' a 700% boost in sales. reports that 'Hooked On A Feeling' saw more than 2,000 downloads following the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer.

That's easily the tune's best digital sales ever.

It's noted that sales tracking for the week isn't done as three days are left; so the numbers will be even higher.

'Hooked On A Feeling' came out in 1974 by the Swedish band Blue Swede and rocketed to the top of the Billboard charts for the week of April 6th. It's based on the 1967 B.J. Thomas song.

James Gunn said 'Hooked On A Feeling' will be in the movie and helps Star-Lord stay connected to Earth.

'Guardians of the Galaxy' has an August 1, 2014 release in the U.S. starring Chris Pratt as Star-Lord, Zoe Saldana As Gamora, Dave Bautista as Drax, Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon, Vin Disel as Groot, Lee Pace as Ronan, Karen Gillan as Nebula, Djimon Houndsou as Korath, Michael Rooker as Yondu, Benicio del Toro as The Collector, John C. Reilly as Rhomann Dey and Glenn Close as Nova Prime Rael. For news, images and more head on over to the Cosmic Book News Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Hub.

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