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iPhone 5, Galaxy S3 named in upcoming Apple

Both Apple and Samsung will decide whether the other has violated their patented technologies in a case set for next month.

Apple and Samsung have provided their final list of allegedly infringing devices for their next mega trial.

Apple on Tuesday presented to the San Jose federal court a slew of Samsung products, including the Admire, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note II, and Galaxy S3, that it contends, violates its patents. Samsung responded, saying that it believes Apple's iPhone 4, 4S, and 5, along with the iPad 2, 3, and 4, among others, infringe its patents.

All told, the companies both presented 10 allegedly infringing products in their brief with the court. FOSS Patents earlier reported on the story.

Apple and Samsung have been embroiled in a long and bitter patent battle over the last few years. So far, Apple has scored the biggest victory in the same San Jose court, but Samsung ostensibly believes it still has claims that bear merit. Samsung, in fact, brought four patents before the court on Tuesday, alleging that Apple violates them in its 10 named devices. Apple will bring five patents to the case.

That the companies have near-parity in asserted patents and devices was due to judge Lucy Koh requesting that their pare down the number of infringements to make the case more manageable. Samsung was allowed five asserted patents, but last month, one of the patents was tossed out in summary judgement.

Recent rumors have suggested that Apple and Samsung are eyeing an end to their worldwide lawsuits, though that doesn't appear to be the case, if the upcoming trial is to be taken into account.

Apple and Samsung will battle it out again in the San Jose federal court starting on March 31.

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